
Live your

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Dads, this is for you if you…

  • Struggle under the pressure of only being seen as a provider, having to perform at your best day in day out, while also having to be the perfect role model.

  • Feel overwhelmed, anxious, or often lacking motivation.

  • Sometimes find it hard to regulate strong emotions.

  • Have pains or feeling too tired to play with the kids.

  • Face doubts about your ability to lead your family.

  • Feel you end up doing things wrong, making it worse, or not really understanding your role at home.

  • Desire a stronger connection, and perhaps more intimacy with your partner but unsure what to do or where to start.

  • Reflect on your life choices with a sense of regret and afraid you might never live the legacy you imagined.

  • Doubt if you’ll still have time to catch up and reconnect with your kids and your partner.

  • Feel you’re lacking direction in life.

I believe men need a sense of a mission in life.

A sense of direction.

When we’re misaligned on our path, when we lack clarity, we can feel it, but we’re trained to push ourselves, to keep going for years, ignoring our body.

We can easily push ourselves into a depression or a burnout.

I’ve met many men who were stuck in this place, and it makes it very hard for us to be physically and emotionally present with our kids. To be fully present and in connection with them.

I found that finding our own personal direction is essential for how we show up as fathers to our kids.
It’s the step we need to come back into connection with our selves. And that requires trust, acceptance, courage, and patience.

Being a dad is not only about being in service to your family, day in day out proving your worth trough the work you do and the money you bring in.

To be the provider of the home.

Although this is an important responsibility that fatherhood brings, there is another element that is at the foundation of your fatherhood.

To be the protector of the home.

The essence of great fatherhood is in knowing yourself and doing your best to become your most authentic self.
Facing your fears, understanding your pains, looking back at your life, engaging with your traumas, sharing your shame and guilt, your tears and your anger, and stepping into your shadows together with other men who have your back at all times.

This is how you find direction and purpose in life.

Men need initiations to let go of a former self and to step into new responsibilities and a new life that takes the lead in our communities and fights for what he beliefs in.

This is where we start living our legacy.

so, this is also for you if you…

  • Lack a sense of purpose and direction in your life.

  • Lack friends who you can share all your worries and obstacles with.

  • Generally just feel lonely in your role as a father having little time to invest time spend with friends or finding new friends.

  • Feel you’re waiting for your time to come, but you’re also afraid that maybe it might never come.

  • If you keep running into the same limiting beliefs, the same patters holding you back from who you want to become.

You’re not alone

Wouldn’t you like to feel connected again?
With your kids, your family, your friends, and above all, with yourself?

Instead of feeling angry, anxious, frustrated, or depressed, to rise into a fatherhood that inspires and fosters peace, purpose, and presence.

Together we rise!

Because no change happens in isolation.

Together, we rise, amplifying each other's potential to grow deeper into our fathering expressions of protection, providing, mentorship, and love.

Together, we rise, forging a path of inspiration and responsibility for our selves, our loved ones, our children, our colleagues, and every other community we belong to.

Together, we rise, building a meaningful legacy, directly impacting the lives of our sons and daughters, and resonating for generations after them.

Together, we rise, through self-leadership, heartfelt connections, turning our combined knowledge into wisdom.

all dads want to

leave a legacy

But what does that really mean? What does it mean leave a legacy?

To answer this question I’ll use the words of Connor Beaton of ManTalks and writer of the book Mens Work:

“In order to leave a legacy, you must be willing to let go of the comforts you so desperately cling to.

To dare to ask yourself if you’re willing to see what you’re truly capable of.
And at what costs are you willing to get there?

Are you willing to do the real work to allow yourself to be forged into being by failures, obstacles, difficult and confronting experiences, and stepping into unknown territories?

Most men don’t fear the end or termination of something, but they do fear the grief, pain and uncertainty that comes with it.”

This is how we turn leaving a legacy, into living a legacy. Not by working hard every day to make enough money to buy comfort, but by engaging with our own shadows, our wounds, and to dare to step into change no matter what.

I see too many men who don’t take this step.
And we’re not supposed to take it by our selves.

No change happens in isolation.

So we numb ourselves from the truth, from our calling, out of fear and overwhelm. And numbing ourselves has never been easier in this time of constant distraction within arms length. It’s the most difficult time in the history of humankind to have space for reaching within, to hear our innate bodily wisdom. Instead we lost connection to wisdom and everything has become superficial, science and knowledge now being the maximum depth we can achieve. Numbers and analysis. But wisdom is rarely reached anymore.

That’s what we have brothers for, that’s what we have this brotherhood for, because now that you are or are becoming a father, it’s time to step up.

Be part of a brotherhood

It’s common for men to feel we have to do everything alone. Maybe even feeling a sense of heroism in this role of being the lone wolf. Most of us know a place similar to this.

But no-one heals in isolation.

And especially as fathers we need to see that there’s no more lone-wolf once we’re part of a family. You’re faced with new responsibilities.

To make this step there’s a letting go of an old you, and a stepping into a new role.

Moving through this threshold requires courage…
and the support of a group of other men who have your back when you most need it.

This is what you can expect to find here:

  1. A safe space held by other men,

  2. Where you will not be judged,

  3. And where you will be held accountable.

What does this mean?

  1. You have my full attention. I will be able to handle whatever comes up in our conversations. If I can’t navigate what comes up, I will be able to find the resources needed to support you further. Everything that comes up in the group, stays in the group and will not be shared outside of this space.

  1. Whatever comes up, it is welcome. We can’t heal in isolation. No matter how big the shame or guilt, you will not be judged for it! To only way heal these parts of ourselves is by gathering the courage to share it with other men.

  2. Men crave accountability, I will say what other people in your life might not dare to tell you. I will have the hard conversations with you, and I will keep supporting you to do what needs to be done to get where you want to go. I have your back at all times!

If you have any questions, or for any other requests, contact us: