the meaning of devotion in modern times.

  1. Devotion as a Guiding Force for Consistency:
    Consistency isn't just about repetition; it's about maintaining a standard or practice over time. When you are devoted to something, be it a project, a relationship, or a personal goal, this devotion propels you to stay consistent. It provides a deeper 'why' that fuels your daily actions and decisions, ensuring they are not just random or whimsical, but aligned with a larger purpose or commitment.

  2. Discipline Through the Lens of Devotion:
    Discipline often requires sacrificing immediate gratification for long-term gains. When driven by devotion, discipline becomes less about imposing strict rules on oneself and more about honoring a deep-seated commitment. For instance, a parent's devotion to their child's well-being translates into disciplined parenting – not because of societal expectations, but because of a heartfelt commitment to the child's growth and happiness.

  3. Deepening Meaning in Routine Actions:
    Devotion imbues everyday actions with significance. A task performed with devotion transcends its mundane nature and becomes a testament to one’s values and commitments. This could be as simple as a musician practicing daily, not just as a routine, but as an act of devotion to their art, thereby giving deeper meaning to their discipline and consistency.

  4. Resilience in the Face of Challenges:
    Devotion also fosters resilience. When your actions are rooted in a deep sense of devotion, you are more likely to persevere through challenges and setbacks. This resilience is a product of understanding the deeper meaning behind your commitment, which goes beyond superficial achievements or recognition.

  5. Evolution and Growth:
    Lastly, devotion, when paired with consistency and discipline, leads to personal growth and evolution. It allows for a reflective journey where one continuously aligns their actions with their core values and adjusts their course as they gain new insights and experiences.


Why “fathers rising”?